Steps to getting a PSRA Completion Certificate
These are the steps you'll need to take to get your Produce Safety Risk Assessment Completion Certificate and Participating Farm logo.

Contact your local Produce Safety Technician to determine when they can meet you or another food safety representative on your farm for a PSRA.
Schedule a date that you will be able to do a walk through of the farm and
review the PSRA with a Technician.
Meet on the farm and do a walk through of farm. Review the assessment and parts of your
operation that apply to produce safety, or schedule a follow up to go through the assessment.
Action Plan
An action plan is provided to the grower on the next steps they need to take to
implement certain practices and procedures.
The farm works to implement action items and complete their
Food Safety Plan, with continued assistance from Technician as needed.
The farm contacts their Technician once they feel they have completed
the action items and their Food Safety Plan.
A Technician schedules another visit with you to check that the action
items and Food Safety Plan are ready to go. (This may take multiple visits.)
Once complete, the Technician submits a certificate to be signed
and approved by the State.
The Technician awards the farm a Completion Certificate and helps them
complete the Logo Agreement if they would like logo usage.
Check in
The Technician will continue to be available to provide assistance after completion. The Technician
will schedule a revisit with the farm on the 3 year mark of them being awarded a Certificate.
This is detailed as the 'expiration date' on the Certificate.
If there are no produce safety concerns on the 3 year mark, the certificate stays with the farm.
If any action items arise, the technician works with the grower to implement any changes necessary.
MIOFPS Participating Farm Logo
The MIOFPS Participating Farm logo permits farms which have earned a completion certificate for the MI On-Farm Produce Safety Risk Assessment to market their produce to consumers.